Why does God allow suffering and evil?

Allah (God) Almighty, is most merciful and compassionate, without any doubt. Yet His actions cannot be fully comprehended by our unqualified minds.

What simplifies this issue is that we all agree that Allah is fair, just, wise and knowing. That means whatever God Almighty does, is with a legitimate purpose, although we may not be able to understand it.

For example, a caring and loving doctor and father may be forced to amputate the leg of his only son. There is no doubt that this father loves his son. Yet his action was for the sake of this beloved son, although it may seem cruel to those who do not understand the circumstances.

Allah Almighty has the greater and higher example, and it is not to any of His creatures to question His doings as it is mentioned in the Quran:

He cannot be questioned about what He does, but they will all be questioned.

Quran - 21:23
(interpretation of the meaning)

It is a Muslim’s belief that suffering of pain, hunger, tragic accidents etc., are due to one's sins, and Allah decrees this suffering to act as a means of erasing these sins which were committed by this Muslim. Allah says in the Quran:

Whatever affliction befalls you is because of what your own hands have committed. And He pardons much.

Quran - 42:30
(interpretation of the meaning)

It is also apparent that man in times of crisis gets closer to Allah and starts repenting, while in times of ease and comfort he is far from remembering the blessings of Allah and he uses these gifts and blessings in committing sin after sin.

Allah the Almighty has shown man the path of good and evil, and he gave him the power and will to choose. Therefore, man is accountable to his deeds and the punishment he receives for them, for life in this world is merely a test, but the results are to be known in the Hereafter.

Why do children suffer?

Not every sickness or handicap is necessarily a punishment; rather it may be a test for the child’s parents, by which Allah will expiate for their bad deeds, or raise their status in Paradise if they bear this trial with patience. Then if the child grows up, the test will also include him, and if he bears it with patience and faith, then Allah has prepared for the patient a reward that cannot be enumerated. Allah says:

Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning.

Quran - 39:10
(interpretation of the meaning)

Undoubtedly in Allah’s allowing children to suffer there is great wisdom which may be hidden from some people, thus they object to the Divine decree and the Shaytaan (Satan) takes advantage of this issue to turn them away from the truth and right guidance.

Among the reasons why Allah allows children to suffer are the following:

  1. It is a means to show that the child is sick or in pain; if it were not for that suffering it would not be known what sickness he is suffering from.
  2. The crying that is caused by the pain brings great benefits to the child’s body.
  3. Learning lessons: the family of this child may be committing haraam (impermissible) actions or neglecting obligatory duties, but when they see the suffering of their child, that prompts them to give up those haraam actions such as consuming riba (interest), committing zina (adultery), smoking or not performing prayers, especially if the child’s suffering is due to an illness that they caused, as happens in the case of some of the haraam things mentioned above.
  4. Thinking about the Hereafter, for there is no true happiness and peace except in Paradise; there is no suffering and pain there, only good health, well-being and happiness. And thinking about Hell, for that is the abode of eternal and never-ending pain and suffering. So one will do that which will bring him nearer to Paradise and take him further away from Hell.

What's the wisdom behind the creation of dangerous animals?

The wisdom behind the creation of dangerouss animals is to manifest the perfect nature of Allah’s creation and control of all things. Even though the created things are so many, He provides for them all. He also tests people by means of these (dangerous creatures), rewards those who are afflicted by them and makes manifest the bravery of those who kill them. By creating them, He tests His slaves’ faith and certainty: the believer accepts the matter and submits, whilst the doubter says, “What is the point of Allah creating this?!” He also demonstrates the weakness and incapability of man, whereby he suffers pain and sickness because of a creature which is far smaller than he is.

One of the scholars was asked about the wisdom behind the creation of flies. He said: “so that Allah may humiliate the noses of the tyrants with them”. Because of the existence of harmful creatures, it becomes apparent how great is the blessing in the creation of beneficial things, as it is said that contrast with the opposite demonstrates the nature of things.

The study of medicine has demonstrated that many beneficial drugs are derived from the venom of snakes and the like. Glory be to the One Who has created benefits in things that to all outward appearances are harmful. Moreover, many of these dangerous animals are food for other creatures which are beneficial, and this forms the ecological cycle in the environments where Allah has created them.

But the Muslim has to believe that everything that Allah does is good, and that there is no pure evil in what He creates. In everything that He creates there has to be some aspect of good, even if it is hidden from us, as is the case with the creation of Iblees (Satan), who is the head of evil. But there is wisdom and a purpose behind his creation, for Allah tests His creatures by means of him, to distinguish the obedient from the disobedient, those who strive from those who are negligent, the people of Paradise from the people of Hell.

Source: islamqa.info · islamqa.info · islamqa.info · islamqa.info

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